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JMSN - Love Myself - video

Nje tjeter kenge e mrekullueshme nga JMSN. Me pelqejne shume videot e tij. Gjithmone te vecanta, mistike dhe kundra gjithckaje tjeter ne horizont. Nese nuk e keni marre akoma albumin e tij "Pllaje" do jua rekomandoja me gjithe zemer. Muzike fantastike! 


Nothing left for you, baby
Not a yes, or a maybe
Ain't no reason to hang around here
Find somebody else

Can't you see that I'm crazy
And I don't want you to hate me
But, you know I can't stick around here

See, I don't love myself
So, how can I expect somebody else to do the things that I...
That I can't do myself?
So, I won't hurt nobody else anymore

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